Dear Eliza and Max

Wednesday, April 5

April Snowstorms

I took Max and Eliza to the doctor this morning, Max for his 3 year check up, Eliza for her 8 week. They are both healthy, well-percentalized (Max is in 90% for height!). Eliza weighs 9lbs 14oz. As I was making E's next appt at the desk on the way out, another mother appears completely drenched. It took me a good minute to accept that fact that that dishevelment was my own fate.

We walked home in a blizzard, and I was amazed by 1) how easy the stroller and bjorn transition to extreme weather conditions, 2) how beautiful it was - the pear trees were in bloom and looked quite snowlike themselves, 3) the fact that April snowstorms seem to mark major events in life. There was one the day Sophie and I left Williamstown after Dad died, when Rick and I took Max for his first doctor's appointment, and then Rick pointed out later on the phone, it snowed on his bar mitzvah, April 16.


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