Dear Eliza and Max

Friday, October 6


I rearranged the playroom furniture to make it a better playroom and guestroom. As I was doing it, I thought I was maybe making it marginally better, or marginally worse. I thought Sophie and Joseph were going to be mad at my strategy for patching together all the leftover carpet from the bedrooms. But then we came down to play in it the next day and it is terrific. Sunny, spacious, the toys are easier to get to, and Mom says the guest bed is more comfortable––it has access to a reading lamp and bedside table. It was inspiring.

In addition, I did end up sending out some Slipping queries and some agents are reading it. Two have already rejected it, but I want to remind myself right now that I need to just keep sending it out into the world, and not give up, and not settle.

I've written down two stories that I've told Max and feel good about them. Not sure what to do with them, but I'm glad they're around.


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