Dear Eliza and Max

Monday, April 17


We're back today from spring holiday celebration bonanza. First, Yorktown for Passover, then up to Bloomfield for Easter. We saw 12 members of Rick's and my original nuclear families, and then also Howie, Polly, Paul, the 5 Gwardyak grandkids, Anne-Paul, Ann Chilton, Annette, 4 other Gwardyak relatives, Cindy Harvey and her new beau Russ. That's 29 people in 4 days. Wow.

On Easter Sunday two things happened that confirmed my faith in the universe. The minister at the Unitarian church spoke about how important it is to pay attention to the meaning of the Easter/Passover/resurrection/restoration stories without having to have faith in the factual truths of the stories. The second was that Max slept to 7:30 in the morning, which felt like 11 am after more than two months of 6:30 wake up calls.

It felt great to dress up. Frankly, it felt great to shampoo.

Am reading such a deadly book - Snow, by Orhan Panuk, about Turkey, politics, love poetry, and I'm reading 2 paragraphs a day. It's very long and all I seem to get out of it is that the main character is named Ka, and the city the story takes place in is Kars, and don't those two words sound a lot alike?


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