Dear Eliza and Max

Friday, May 12


The preschool debate goes on -- Max is signed up to go to Spanish language emersion school next year, but as he gets closer to being the age he'll be in the fall, I'm starting to see how much he would get out of a 5 day, longer morning experience. And also to doubt whether he will be able to rise to the challenge of learning in Spanish. Last night, Rick and I discussed it for hours, consulted Sophie, who is an expert at this agonizing kind of decision-making, and decided in the end to stick with the Spanish. They can offer an extended day until 2:30pm if I need it, and their materials indicate they offer more flexibility than the playgroup we'd attended indicates. But I was up at 2:30 in the morning with Eliza and have not gone back to sleep. (It's after 6 now.)


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