Dear Eliza and Max

Thursday, February 15


Yesterday we had a big storm, the first real snow of the season. I was out in Manhattan with Eliza in the big Maclaren, which I had to carry through the larger, unshoveled street crossings. It took me an hour and a half to get home from NYU, where we had an appointment with Eliza's endocrinologist.

Then today, walking to school, I had to carry the stroller with Eliza in it across 6 of the eight street crossings, and many stretches of sidewalk. I had to carry Max first, leaving him across the street then running back for Eliza. They each looked entirely forlorn waiting for me to come get them, alone on a street corner on Third Avenue

Snow sucks.

And yet, it's still fun to have it, and have it be cold enough to know that it's winter.


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